Manna Counselling Haoli Rein Counselling Therapist in Swindon, Wiltshire

So, why do people seek counselling?

Well, it could be for many reasons such as feeling continually anxious or depressed, or perhaps you've lost someone dear to you and just don't seem able to cope since it happened. It might be that you're battling with low self-esteem and self confidence, or because of relationship issues. Or it could be something far more serious - such as being badly abused in your childhood.

But whatever the reason, it can often help to talk things through with someone who's trained to listen and to help you gain greater insight and understanding into it all. It's a time which is set aside for you; it's a time when you can explore what holds you back, why you 'self sabotage' or why you might be repeating painful and destructive behaviours.

Of course, speaking to someone you've never met before can be quite unnerving, and it can often take a great deal of courage to take that first step. But what if you were to take that step - and your life changed significantly for the better?

About Counselling. Staircase1

We live in a society which encourages us to carry on regardless and to bottle up our painful emotions, but in reality 'facing our giants' can often 'clear away the darkness' and lead to a feeling of relief or release - as though you've put down the weight you've been carrying around - perhaps for many years.

Choosing the right person to talk to, however, is obviously very important, so I'd like to invite you to read more about me as a person (and the way in which I work) on the next page. Then, depending on how you feel, please feel free to contact me so that we can arrange an initial consultation, for which the charge is only £20.00.

And remember (as someone far wiser than me once said): you don't have to see the whole staircase - just take the first step!

What others have said about counselling

Of course, counselling doesn't necessarily work for everyone - and there are many reasons for this. However, the following comments give an idea of how some clients have felt after entering into the process:

I never realised what a difference counselling could make!

Why didn't I try this sooner?

Through counselling, I came to realise what I really want out of life.

What a relief to know that I'm not crazy!

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